Jun 15Liked by Chris Duffy

Happy Father’s Day! Being a first-time parent is truly magical. Now, about that Universal Child Care…as a former SAHM, I am not a fan. I firmly believe that one parent should be home with the kids until they are of school-age. Best years of my life. It doesn’t mean forgoing a career forever, only for a little while, with some very real sacrifices. Totally worth it. I am a professional, educated woman who is now the bread-winner of my household. This will date me, but there was a line in 30-something that I loved (I was a 20 something at the time and not yet a parent - just an overworked exhausted professional), “You can do it all, just not all at the same time,” (Said Michael to Hope). No judgement - please don’t misunderstand. I have plenty of friends whom I love and respect who successfully raised kids while both parents worked. But, like you, spending time just watching my baby was priceless (though i could have foreign much of the clean-up!). Why give that up if you don’t have to?

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Hi Nard! Thanks for reading and for your comment. I love that you had such a meaningful experience raising your kids and also that you have friends who you love and respect who did things differently! I always appreciate when people can understand other people's points of view even if it's not how they would do things. And it seems to me like parenting is such a unique and specific experience to each family and situation that I would love to see everyone be able to make the choice and find the opportunities that work for them.

"You can do it all, just not at the same time" <---- good for me to think about!

Thanks again for reading

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You’re the best, Chris. Really enjoy your work and ruminations. Happy Father’s Day! Now go enjoy that family of yours!

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Jun 16Liked by Chris Duffy

dear chris,


some fun lines from your message this week:

"The most immediate change that I noticed in attempting a week of solo parenting was that there was no one else to hold the baby."

"No baby has ever fallen off the floor"

"Baseboards: The Musical"

love this, love you, thank you, thank... this?


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Thanks Chris!! I wrote a follow up to that piece over on my substack, if you really wanna nerd out about it!

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