Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Whoaaa, Tasti-D-Lite sensory memories just came flooding back. So much better than the LA equivalent, The Bigg Chill. Can't wait to stop by Handel's!

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Hahaha The Bigg Chill! Amazing name. And I know exactly what you mean about those lower calorie sense memories

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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Ice cream makes everything better💗. Keep dabbing, old Chris.

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[dabs in gratitude]

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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Lol re: If you can't fix life with art or therapy, try ice cream! Great note to self re: spoiled food. I should learn that lesson myself.

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Greta, you gotta learn that lesson! Don't eat it! We have to resist the siren song of the spoiled food

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“It’s going to be wasted anyway” haha!

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Jun 11Liked by Chris Duffy

Be super grateful 24/7/365 that you did not become lactose intolerant in adulthood like me…

P.S. Where can we buy your book?!?

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Hi Scott! Oh wow, I am super grateful. But also they have non-dairy / vegan options so even if that does happen, they've got me covered!

Also thanks for asking about the book! I am guessing you are asking about "Let's Hang Out" the piece I was on John Fugelsang's show to discuss? It's a little confusing because that's an e-book / audiobook (not a physical book!). I feel like it would have been more accurate to just say it was a longform digital piece but I didn't want to be rude and correct him-mid interview. It's out on June 26th on Everand. Here's a link: https://try.everand.com/duffy/

If you're asking about my physical, actual book (that's about humor and how to laugh more), that's going to be published by Doubleday in 2025! So a ways away but pre-orders should be online by the end of the year. Either way, I will keep folks updated on this newsletter. Thank you for asking! And sorry for the long winded answer!!

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Jun 14Liked by Chris Duffy

Thank you for the long winded answer! And great to hear they’ve got us “lactose-challenged-mutants” covered!

Yes, both my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed your interview with John, and we will buy your e-book on day 1.

It’s also great to hear you have a book about humor and laughing coming out since that’s also the business we’re in. (Google “Scott & Muriel” if you’re curious…)

Kudos to you for all your hard work and much deserved success!


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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Here’s a link to that Põpolo project 3 min video with Prentis… so much presence ahhh. https://vimeo.com/288118461.

Oh! And somehow beautifully linked to that surfing piece by your friend… My gosh, that was great.

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Thank you, Brooke! I'm so glad to see that video with Prentis. Appreciate you sharing it!

And I agree about Grace! She's such a talented writer

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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

I always feel so bouyed and more laughter-full and sort of effervescently present after reading your emails… A very grateful feeling on the Internet, ahh.

I’m not British, but I have to use the word chuffed -ha- to describe how it felt to see you recommend Prentis! I listen to them so often (exhibit a & b, finding our way podcast, eps with Alexis and Rowen and the Popolo project water mini film, ahhh) to find a portal back to something deep and good.

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I'm chuffed at your effervescent chuffage!!

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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Your Substack is great! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Jun 8Liked by Chris Duffy

Hey Chris, this is your mom’s friend, Sara. My dad drove a Good Humour truck one summer in the late 1940s. He used to talk about how he’d hand out free popsicles to his friends — a more wholesome criminal activity than selling drugs, I suppose! Love reading your emails. Keep ‘em coming!

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The most wholesome of criminal activities! Thanks for reading!

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We don’t talk about the Tasti-D-Light decade in NYC nearly enough. Wild times!

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Pushing the definition of "wild" to its very limits!!

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Having friends who own an ice cream shop is awesome. I would also appreciate a friend who is a plumber, so I wouldn’t get screwed every time there’s a plumbing mishap.

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Oh yeah, having friends who could do all the trades would be incredible. Less delicious but also we could afford a lot of ice cream with the money we'd be saving...

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Jun 13Liked by Chris Duffy

dear chris,

thanks as always for a fun and fascinating read!

this is sadly too relatable: "I don’t say no to free food of any kind. Often to my detriment! I’m one of the only people I know who has repeatedly gotten food poisoning because I didn’t want to waste free food even though it was very clearly already spoiled."

i'm working on it! thanks for sharing!



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Hey, just wrote a note where I’m looking for suggestions on challenging things to juggle that weigh less than 10 pounds - do you have any? Can’t be babies or chihuahuas or anything that could be harmed that can’t give consent.

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Right there with you on being unnerved by things that can’t legally claim they are ice cream, or cheese, or what have you.

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