This is hilarious! And spot on! I’ve always felt a little out of place in my home town because the woo-woo stuff doesn’t come naturally to me. My first boss asked me my sign in my job interview. I told her I was a Virgo. I knew that much. She said that “explained it.” Then she hired me on the spot, hired me again at another job, and hired me a third time at another job (hat trick). She continues to bring up the Virgo thing whenever it—whatever it is—needs explaining.

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Feb 24Liked by Chris Duffy

dear chris,

great piece today, as always!

i like this a lot: "I made it through decades on the East Coast without it being a huge social stumbling block that I didn’t know the time of my birth. But I didn’t last 6 months in Los Angeles before I needed to have the details saved in my phone’s notes app so that I wouldn’t enrage another acquaintance with my ignorance."

i love you and your ignorance brings me joy,


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Hilarious! How is your witch doing? Are they hard to care for? Seriously considering one for the front yard.

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Right there with you on disposing my pandemic haircut in the backyard and being surprised to still see it there later, lol.

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Pulled from the Deep, excellent article, thanks for recommending! I want her to team up with the writer I shared with you a week or two ago who describes the nodules as living, growing. Gives it an even more vivid sense of how we are destroying stuff we barely understand. Makes me think of really old lichen. Or cryptobiotic soil out in Utah. The thought of dust or mud plumes the size of a US state from undersea mining is pretty horrifying.

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